          王永慶死前45分鐘之謎 57金錢爆:王永慶死前45分鐘之謎(3/5) 20090605 That's 王永 部落格慶 indeed want to have the entire his grouped formed business to 部落格pieces away to become ground zero like New York 9.11.2001 Twin Tower showed. Because he 部落格 finally seen the point that late China King seen that it is the most mankind human being must have to do t 辦公室出租o have the earth back the future to the natural wild wild time, it is not only the only better off for the blood or li 裝潢nk left behind by him but also better off for the rest of the world. ---------------------------------------------------------- 57金錢爆:王永?賣房子y死前45分鐘之謎(5/5) 20090605 That how every good better best Chinese must have to do, if you can 訂做禮服not have your China keep ONE strong whole, you must do whatever it takes to make it gone with wind not to leave any your blood behind. --------------------------------------------------- 設計裝潢----------- Strongest man does not need to rely on "Show.Sheng. 7.Job" point to lead, only liar formed system must have to rely on "Show.Sheng. 7.Job" to show the best will and best strength to do the forc 太平洋房屋eless "Zhi.Wall. Ping.Ten.Shot"; Strongest man always rely on his own best power of honesty to win.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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